Bayan Muna, the people first. This is our battlecry. A society where true freedom, democracy, justice and peace prevail. This is our vision.
We, the members of Bayan Muna, pledge this commitment as we draw inspiration and lessons from the historic struggle of our heroes and martyrs.
We stand on a platform of change and social transformation that addresses the basic problems that have plagued our country –foreign domination, feudal bondage and a graft-ridden government.
We embody the yearnings and aspirations of the most oppressed and the least heard, the "common tao" – workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, urban poor and other downtrodden. We also give voice to the concerns of the middle social strata and the cause of women and youth as well as other various pressing issues.
We believe that the test of an authentic democracy lies in the empowerment of the people, particularly the toiling majority. We believe that this can be realized by harnessing their collective creativity and strength, guaranteeing the full exercise of their basic rights and ensuring their representation and participation at all levels of government decision-making.
Upon this stated purpose and vision, we stand one and indivisible.